Sunday, January 13, 2013

Healing the Emotions Associated with Past events/trauma .

Past experiences if not accepted as that but a memory with no emotional attachment can be stored in our body and manifest in the form of Dis-ease ! Knowing this we can all make a choice to begin to heal today . As today is tomorrows yesterday and we no longer want the pain and suffering of painful memories . Here are some tips that you can apply in your day to day life can may help with the emotions associated with the past .

Healing the Past Tip # 1 - Recognising and Replacing painful memories .
Recognising Past events/trauma which are holding you back and inhibiting you from living a happy healthy life is the first step in beginning to heal . Acknowledging the emotions and sitting with them although painful – is a way to bring forward into your conscious that which you have buried deep into your subconscious . It is a way of saying to yourself   ‘OK I know you are there and you have made me feel this way for way to long and but now its time to try something different because I deserve to be happy today ‘. Once we have acknowledge these thoughts it is time to replace them with new thoughts . To help you with this may I suggest the 'Serenity Prayer' . I have found this prayer extremely powerful. Try saying this every time a past/painful memory enters your mind . Sometimes we are so caught up in the past, our thoughts naturally go there almost like we have no control . Whilst there is emotion attached to it , they will continue to be painful. We want to begin to control our mind and dissolve these painful emotions by reigning in our thoughts ♥ .

Serenity Prayer

'Grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, The courage to change the things we can, And the wisdom to know the difference.'

Healing the past tip #2 - Acceptance

Acceptance does not mean that the memory does not exist - it will always exist , however when you have other memories from the past like 'who sat next to you in the 3rd grade' , you do not have any emotional attachment . So our aim is when we think of these events /people or memories of the past , We don’t have the emotion/ pain that goes with it . We do this via acceptance - accepting what is and what cannot be changed . We cannot change the past . Lets not be entrapped by it. You don’t deserve to have to relive these painful memories constantly - you deserve to be happy and at peace now and in the Future. ♥

Healing the Past Tip # 3 - Forgiveness

Tip # 3 for healing the past is forgiveness. Its about forgiving all involved not for them but for you and in most cases its about forgiving YOU !. Every happening is the way it was meant to happen. For whatever reason sometimes reasons we may never know , this event has happened . Forgiveness does not mean you have to have the person in your life that hurt you . Nor does it mean you condone their behaviour. It just cutting any emotional charge to the event and if you can as hard as it is finding it in your heart to wish them well and send them love ♥

Healing the Past tip # 4 – What have I learnt ?

Tip #4 healing the past - what did I learn ? It's all about perspective. Focusing solely on what happened keeps one foot firmly locked into the past . It helps to ask your self what did I learn from this experience? What did I gain. Did I learn something new about myself? Did I gain some wisdom for example not to trust a certain person or maybe that I do have support around me ! Did it awaken my life's purpose or did the experience help me grow ? Do I value my life , my children , my family even more ? For every negative it helps to see the positive. This helps balance out the emotions ♥

Healing the past tip # 5- Healing through meditation.

I have talked allot about focusing on what we have now . Letting go of that which we cannot change , accepting the past and living today in happiness . One way to get you in the moment is meditating . Through breathing and techniques which help you to control your thoughts , meditating can help you relax and release the toxic emotions of the past . You can find many free guided meditations on line that can help you work through these feelings or contact Radiant Healing for a private Meditation coaching session.

Tip #6 for healing the past – Taking responsibility for your role in past events

'The world changes when u do ' Robert Holden ♥ 

 This brings be to tip #6 taking responsibility / owner ship of the role YOU played in your past . Too often we are full of anger and resentment towards situations and people of or past when in all honestly and the bottom line truth is you need to own it . This may be hard to hear for some but we all played a part in our past and lovingly accepting your role is the most empowering thing you can do . You are not a victim ! You had a choice and I'm willing to bet you have learnt so much . ♥

Tip # 7 for healing the past –releasing the toxic emotion

The emotions attached to past events is what keeping us tied to the past. Corded to very people, situations and events that we are trying so desperately to let go of. Emotions such as anger, resentment, hate, guilt, shame etc. are actually toxic to our well being. As stated earlier these emotions when stored in our body lead to dis-ease or in common terms disease. Some people find this out too late and a lot of people realize this as a process of their healing and once these emotions are acknowledged and released begin to heal. Carrying these emotions with us on a day to day basis plays havoc with our body, organs, and functions not to mention our peace of mind. If this is not enough motivation to heal and release, I don’t know what is. Let it go ♥

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