Saturday, January 5, 2013


We all have challenges and meet resistance but its how we handle those challenges that matter . These challenges provide us opportunity for growth. So as we are confronted with these challenges , whether it be a tragedy, death, a hard to deal with person, financial losses , relationship issues , weight , these can all provide us and opportunity to learn .

So grab the bull by the horns and take the first step in viewing these challenges as a gift . They have something to teach us and even at the bare root of these challenges, if we learn something about ourselves, something we never ever knew before, then the challenge is worth while .

So its all about perspective and how through our surroundings and nurturing , we have been programmed to function and see things .

We can look at challenges in two simple ways:

1) As a resistance which will eventually build our strength
2) As a problem

Option 1 - and that's right it is a choice :-)

Resistance - To explain this I'd like to use the analogy of weight training . The heavier the weights/mass we use  , the stronger the muscle . The stronger the muscle the more we can lift .

Same applies when we are confronted with challenges in life . They will inevitably make us stronger . We can push through them with all our might feeling the emotions and experiencing the ride only to come out the other side a stronger person. Empowered and a little more wiser.


Option 2 - please don't choose me :-(

We can view every challenge in life as a problem .

By making this choice we are choosing the be paralysed by the challenge and in turn will become weaker and dis-empowered . Our strength diminishes and we no longer know who we are and what our purpose is . We become all consumed with how hard life is and from that moment on every challenge will compound this feeling of  weakness .

So I guess in summary  we all have problems right ? We all are confronted with challenges and at some point even some really heart wrenching , ground shattering truths . But at that point knowing you have a choice can empower you to grow from strength to strength and eventually be a person standing strong on the other side and saying 'WOW' . I Survived!

This may be an over simplified summary of life and I know as we experience the motions and in the process of this growth, that there may be moments , even days and weeks that we may feel like we are not strong at all. God knows I have been there but in the long run if we can together embrace these challenges , I promise you gain so much wisdom .

The key word is TOGETHER . You are not alone, There is always someone that has felt the way you feel . Experienced what you have and has gone through similar motions . Do not re invent the wheel. You can learn so much from other peoples experience . Getting stronger does not necessarily mean doing it the hard way and being alone. It takes alot of strength to seek help.

Radiant Healing can help :-)

In honour and in truth

Radiant Healing .

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